
⚠️ The design and implementation chapter is outdated ⚠️

Integers will be serialized in little endian order using to_le_bytes(). usize and isize values will be subject to LEB128 compression.

fn main() {
extern crate defmt;
defmt::error!("The answer is {=i16}!", 300);
// on the wire: [3, 44, 1]
//  string index ^  ^^^^^ `300.to_le_bytes()`
//  ^ = intern("The answer is {=i16}!")

defmt::error!("The answer is {=u32}!", 131000);
// on the wire: [4, 184, 255, 1, 0]
//                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 131000.to_le_bytes()

defmt::error!("The answer is {=usize}!", 131000);
// on the wire: [4, 184, 255, 1]
//                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ 131000.to_le_bytes()[..3]

NOTE(japaric) unclear to me if LEB128 encoding (more compression but more) u16 and u32 is worth the trade-off

TODO(japaric) evaluate zigzag encoding for isize?